Rotation - Stefano Russo


Rotation is conceived from the symbol of a wheel, which synthesises the relation of man to the space-time yield par excellence.
The perforated wheel symbolises the perpetual motion and the perception of time represented in three growing proportions which metaphorically represent the three cycles of our life.
The inside of the wheel represents the space replenished by contents of our existence. The installation is a consideration on the contemporary energetic situation, dealing with electric/atomic stations and cables transporting energy which create electromagnetic smog when put in relation to the speed with which they are conducted.
The goal is to achieve consciousness for the transmutation of a more pure and natural vision.



You cannot conceive the many without the one.


The inclination of the degrees by which the earth’s axis tilts in relation to the sun, the position of our heart with respect to our rib-cage. It also represents the lay-out of the eye’s medial axis and orbital axis.

The perpetual motion of our inner architecture coincides with the earth’s infinite planets’ rotation. Suggestion incites energetic activation to change and to transform our body.

Stefano Russo

Perfect correspondence between organs, geographical areas, constellations: three levels which sinchronically align in one unique point. The point of creation.

Stefano Russo

It is about a “pre-conceptual” comprehension, which obliges us reconsider the meaning itself of comprehension and recognition. Tying the complex of cognitive activities such as memory, perception and language.